Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Ruffa Gutierrez And Her Rumored Boyfriend, Eduardo Puertas - So Big!

Eduardo Puertas, Ruffa Gutierrez; Photo from Rajo's Blog on StyleBible

Manila, Philippines
Ruffa likes foreigners because they all have big.....feet brains!
Hmm, Mexicans and Arabs in particular, she had Ylmaz, dated that  Smartmatic Guy Mr. Flores, Llyodie (that counts because it got stuck right, so it must be big) and now her "friend" daw, Eduardo Puertas. Hmm, try to read Eduardo's last name again, this time more slowly. Now that's orgasmic-aly juicy, right?
Well, Mrs. Bektaz Ms. Gutierrez has admitted that she doesn't care if a guy is rich or poor as long as he's goodlooking - everything will be fine.
Anyhow, according to the rumor mill, Eduardo is an intelligent man (god, i hope he'll use his brain this time). This Hispanic lover can speak in five dialects daw, the sixth is the language of the Puerta, i mean Puerta Puerto Rico! Kidding
Friends or not, who cares. As long as it's BIG, his friendship...for you, for you... Heck! I would like to dedicate this song to Ruffa G. Enjoy!

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