Sunday, April 10, 2011

American Idol: say what?

Yeah, I know, you’re all bitter about the results last night on “American Idol.” I am surprised, but not all that surprised. And least of all, Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson shouldn’t be as shocked after they had a lukewarm reaction to the person sent home. Anyway, here is how it went down…..

The show began with a rock medley by the Top 9 that was really boring as usual. Then actor/comedian Russell Brand was brought in as a charisma coach this past week. Really? That guy is really not funny. Then, on to the results….

Casey, Stefano and Lauren. Lauren, safe. Casey, safe. Ste-FA-no (as Ryan Seacrest says in his fake Italian accent), in the Bottom 3. No huge surprise at all.

Then they brought Constantine Maroulis in. Remember him? I think he was from like Season 4 or 5. His new single is…ready for this?….”Unchained Melody.” Really? That song has been done and re-done about a million times, and there is just no need to keep beating a dead horse. I know it’s Simon Cowell’s song, but Simon is not on the show anymore! Anyway, the performance was okay.

Then Gwen Stefani was shown offering style tips to Pia, Haley and Lauren. Yawn.

More results…..Paul, Scotty and Pia. Scotty, safe. Paul, safe. Pia, Bottom 3. Now, most of you were looking at your TV dumbfounded, but I actually had her in my Bottom 3 last night. Her performance was solid again vocally but lacked fire.

James, Haley and Jacob were next. James and Haley, safe, Jacob in the Bottom 3. Dude went first and it wasn’t his best performance. Plus, let’s be honest here….his shaking while singing is getting a bit old, as are the Adam Lambert screams from both him and James.

So your Bottom 3…Stefano, Pia and Jacob. Interesting. Then a shirtless Iggy Pop sang his ’80’s hit, “Real Wild Child.” Iggy was shirtless as is his trademark, but wow, I just looked it up…he’s going to be 64 in two weeks. Yikes. How in the world does he have flat abs as if he’s 17? Ryan Seacrest had the line of the night when he said after that that he was thinking about cutting out carbs. Nice!

On to results. Jacob was safe. Down to Stefano and Pia. I thought for sure it would be Stefano, but no…..Pia had the lowest number of votes and got the axe last night. Wow. Everyone was shocked, especially J-Lo and Randy, but let me tell you both….go back and watch Wednesday night’s episode. You both said something was lacking, even though you sugar-coated it. And really, with everyone being so talented this season, you shouldn’t be surprised that Pia was sent packing. All things considered, Stefano really deserved to go home, but to me Pia was not going to win this thing. She’s going to have a nice little Celine Dion type career, but I am quite sure the teeny boppers that follow this show and vote are more apt to pick Lauren or Scotty. Heck, age alone is the main reason Thia stuck around so long.

So there you have it folks. We’re down to eight and six of them are dudes. Who do you like? I’m going with Lauren or Casey, but I think Scotty is still the dark horse. But Stefano, the lowest vote total has its eye on your, so watch your back!
Posted by Mike Farley

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