Sigmund, according to sources, was spotted by Trenton Police Sgt. John Breece as he was walking in the area of Stockton and Hanover streets sometime around 9 a.m. Not realizing who he was at first, the officer just noted a white male walking and seeming disoriented, sources said. Breece then went to investigate.
The suspect, later identified as Sigmund, attempted to dodge the officer by running through nearby alleyways, a source said, then he put up a struggle once Breece caught up to him.
Sigmund, sources said, was also charged with resisting arrest, and may face an assault charge as well since Breece was injured during the apprehension. The extent of his injuries is unknown at this time.
One police source said Sigmund was caught with roughly seven decks of heroin.
Trenton Police spokesman Sgt. Tom McDonough said he's waiting for official confirmation of the details before releasing any information about Sigmund's arrest. City spokesperson Lauren Ira, said she's waiting to discuss the situation with acting Police Director Joe Juniak, but that a statement should be made shortly.
Sigmund, who was a recent hire by Tony Mack, has proved controversial even prior to this arrest since coming here from California.
Last month, Sigmund was caught speeding, doing 85 in a 50 zone, on Route 1 in Trenton. It was later determined that Sigmund, driving a city-owned vehicle, had no New Jersey license and his California license had been suspended due to unpaid tickets.
Council President George Muschal didn't need to wait to make a comment.
"If this is true, after it's confirmed 100 percent, and I have no doubt that it's going to be confirmed, then Mr. Paul Sigmund should resign immediately," Muschal said. "Everyone who goes into these postions should be drug tested to the fullest. Continued...

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